People deserve to live and work in healthier environments. Yet, too many spaces are designed without concern for the integrity of building materials used and how they might affect people over time. As a result, many people unknowingly succumb to spaces with poor acoustic sound, and a host of airborne hazards that include volatile organic compounds (VOCs), allergens, and potential carcinogens inhaled daily.
Enhancing Productivity with Healthier Building Materials
Designing a workspace with good acoustic support can increase productivity as well as heighten morale and employee satisfaction. Add in a non-toxic environment that supports worker health and it is a win-win across the board.
According to a study by researchers at Aalto University, as reported by Science Daily “Good acoustics in the workspace improve work efficiency and productivity, which is one of the reasons why acoustic materials matter.”
We at FSorb are committed to improving human health through products that can make a difference. By helping designers build aesthetically pleasing designs which reduce ambient noise, human health can significantly benefit. This is particularly true when it comes to the nervous system. Science Direct reported in an article that explores background noise that “...recent research also suggests that noise-induced stress may decrease dopamine availability in the prefrontal cortex, where the hormone controls the flow of information from other parts of the body. Stress resulting from background noise, then, may decrease higher brain function, impairing learning and memory.”
This is why our mission is to help designers build beautiful spaces that reduce excess ambient noise while calming the human nervous system.
FSorb environmentally friendly acoustic products made from recycledpolyester plastics take into consideration the full spectrum of an atmospheric experience. This includes minimizing noise pollution, enhancing venue acoustics, and increasing auditory interpersonal connection all while utilizing stable, durable, non-toxic materials.
Avoiding Impacts of Chemicals Indoors
The acoustic panel industry is wrought with a long list of materials that, over time, can slowly release toxic chemicals into the air we breathe. More studies are linking many of these chemicals to potential, accumulated adverse health conditions like the following:
Certain cancers
Cognitive challenges
Fertility imbalance
Cardiovascular stress
Immune deterioration
Vision complications
Respiratory compromise
Chronic fatigue syndrome
One example is the research of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which are found in the adhesives used in the manufacturing of many acoustic panels. A study published in The European Respiratory Journal reported that VOCs have been the cause of airway diseases caused by poor indoor air quality in buildings.”
Our products do not contain any VOCs, the acoustic panels are simply heat pressed.
According to Lei Huang, a research specialist in the Department of Environmental Health Sciences at the University of Michigan School of Public Health “People are inside buildings more than 90% of their time, breathing and touching those chemicals in building materials so it’s very important to know whether there are harmful chemicals that could affect inhabitants health.” This is why we are completely transparent in the materials used in our products and why we pay for 3rd party testing to prove it.
Effective, Eco-Friendly, and Safe Acoustic Solutions
FSorb acoustic wall and ceiling panels include state-of-the-art design using materials that do not contain:
Itchy particles
There are no ozone-depleting chemicals in our products and they are not classified as hazardous air pollutants. In addition, all products have antimicrobial properties and were approved with a Class A ‘NFPA’ (National Fire Protection Association) rating.
The main material used in our products is recycled content polyester which is heated and shaped into specific panels. This material does not contain any fiberglass or adhesives. The impeccable detail of FSorb Eco-friendly acoustic solutions surpasses the industry-standard offering commercial and residential spaces the support not only for sound solutions, but also for optimal well-being and health.
The Evolving Building Industry
From acoustical engineers and architects to contractors and building project managers the industry is beginning to step-up toward more sustainable building material choices and installation. There is a continually evolving selection of Eco-friendly materials being considered in residential and commercial exterior, as well as interior, installations.
When scaling architectural designs, both architects and engineers are now considering or making it a standard practice to include less toxic, green building materials. This encourages a closed-loop or circular economy manufacturing profile that is becoming very attractive to potential consumers.
The Handbook of Green Economics explains that a circular economy can be achieved by long-lasting design, maintenance, repair, reuse, remanufacturing, refurbishing, and recycling. Embracing a circular economy may also offer local, state, or federal green funding and/or tax relief incentive programs. This is the industry step-up that has been ready to pivot for decades and is finally coming to fruition with FSorb at the forefront of progressive Eco-friendly manufacturing.
LEED and The Living Building Challenge
The US Green Building Council (USGBC) continues to evolve the ways it regulates ‘Environmentally Preferable Products.’ LEED, which stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is the gold standard for the green building rating system in the US.
With the launch of LEED v4, the Materials and Resources credit in the new version of the green building certification encourages the full transparency of building products and their environmental performance. One such credit involves Health Product Declarations (HPDs) making it easier for designers to know exactly what is in a building product.
The Living Building Challenge (LBC) is a more stringent building certification that developed a “Red List Free” declaration by maintaining non-toxic materials in all products. Staying ahead of the curve with consumer satisfaction, alongside creating a healthy work and/or living space is what makes FSorb the go-to for eco-friendly installation.
As environmental concerns continue, free enterprise continues to latch on to the opportunity. As a result, many Eco-friendly intentions are swiftly thwarted on account of escalated material costs. Now that consumer demand is rising, the cost of Eco-friendly materials is decreasing and some companies are transferring the cost savings to customers.
FSorb is dedicated to manufacturing a high-quality, significantly efficient acoustic panel while maintaining non-toxic integrity. As an acoustic solution supporting human health FSorb also comes at an affordable price. Experience quality sound and no VOCs with FSorb products.
At FSorb, we are motivated by improving human health and do so by creating eco-friendly acoustic products. Our mission is to help designers build beautiful spaces that reduce excess ambient noise while calming the human nervous system. With over 25 years in the acoustic business we stand behind FSorb as a durable, environmentally friendly, and low-cost product. If you want an acoustic solution that is safe to human health at an affordable price, then we are your resource.
(844) 313-7672
7. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/earth-and-planetary-sciences/circular-economy